Friday, 26 December 2014

The Day of Boxes

Friday, December 26,  2014

Today was going to be a recon day to hunt down a German (Ja, das is richtig), restaurant we had heard of through, so we left our place shortly after noon, slathered with sunscreen for the day's journey.

The route, via Google maps, is a pleasant 1.5 Km  walk....however in Valpo, their ain't no such thing as a straight road, and staircases are included in maps like roads so a teeny weeny distance on a map could be a 111 step steep staircase (I only counted one), and there were a few. However, it was a super day for wandering and checking new routes so that's what we did.  At one point, we could see the road we wanted to be on but had to be creative to get there.

Short story long, we found it, and figured the best reward would be a cerveza, even if the place turned out to be a dump.  Liked the look and feel of the place and ordered a Navidad beer and a lighter beer, both local brews along with Kässler Ribchen, Kartoffeln and Sauerkraut, all of which formed the second best meal I've ever had....note I added Google Translate to the page!

I had to chuckle as a woman across the street sold bottled goods from behind a closed gate across her doorway and a small poodle-like white dog stood in a doorway next door. When I looked again, the wee dog was in the store peering out of the gate and the woman was in the doorway....

Another guy knocked on our restaurant side window and the owner went to the window,  they exchanged pleasantries, the owner went o the back, opened a trap door to the basement, disappeared down under and came back with a pack of bacon for the guy.

Also had to smile at a street vendor trying to sell his wares to a homeless guy in pink spandex tights...not sure how that went...😆

Pics from a few pitstops on the return and a bit of sangria we whipped up at home with some inspiration from one of those stops!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year!!!! Looks like you are having a blast!!! Enjoy every minute :-) All well in Sharbot Lake. Heather, Kevin & I had a little Tremblant holiday Dec 14-21. I skied 5 days in total - 4 at Tremblant & 1 at Mt.Blanc. Terrific - good conditions, no lineups & mild weather. As you have probably heard, we had a big melt & the warmest, greenest Christmas in 30 years. Cold today & a snow storm predicted for the weekend. Cheers!!!
