Monday, 22 December 2014

No accessibility issues here...

A nightmare for walkers let alone anyone with accessibility issues. Absolutely nuts. Risky business, for sure.

Getting our workout on stairs and up and down hills.

So far we've walked, taken collectivos (taxi for whomever you pick up along the way - cheap, cheap, 800 pesos and a tip to get home from grocs  amounts to a whopping 2 bucks, for two!) You can't walk for that price 😐.  I think the gringo I squished in the back was wishing we had though, after Rainer jammed into the back with us.  Couldn't go anywhere else, there were already 2 in front of a beany car.

Took the train yesterday, on a quick tour to check out the countryside for kicks, and loaded a metro card for future jaunts. A guy got on and played guitar and sang for money while he had a captive audience. We switched trains to come back and damned if a dude doesn't whip out his eukelele...we had used up our spare change so this guy got a koozie, and not your run of the mill koozie but a genuine Rainer Bloess limited edition. He doesn't know what he has there, but seemed happy nonetheless.  The kids we encountered enjoying a Corona on a stairway also were grateful for theirs. Small things that make people's  day. All good and fun.

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