Sunday, 21 December 2014

Arica and Valparaiso

When the wifi's not 100%, some things just don't make it to the big screen so re-posting a few classics.

In Arica, our first port in Chile, we made some friends when we stopped for a beer. With a bit of broken Spanish and the International language of futbol and an imaginary ball, we managed a few laughs, distributed some koozies to our new friends and went on our merry way. So, they have real litre bottles of beer and when you order a cerveza grande, you really get more than you bargained for. I did get help from Jime (like Jorge), not  Watson. 😂

Arica is at the edge of the Atacama  desert, rivers are dry most of the year but they still manage to grow olives, fruit etc. The closest thing to the back side of the moon, but with a vibrant city centre. We liked this stop.

We did a bus tour - about three hours. Highlights included geoglyphs created between 500 and 1000 AD. We went to the top of El Morro, and held our breath as the bus winded its way up,  almost zero curb to the plunge below. Saw a few shards of glass but no entire vehicles. Guess they cleaned those up!


Yesterday afternoon we did a scouting of the hood to see what we might find in our area. We had lunch, which was pretty much the same for us both. Rainer had steak, I had chicken, on a heap of fresh cut fries and fried onions (cebollas) with two fried eggs on each. Needless to say that was lunch and dinner. We winged it. A  couple of local cervezas and off to find the local grocery store.

Fun shopping facts - tea and coffee are on the second floor (take the escalator),  eggs, milk and yogurt are not refrigerated and don't forget to weigh your bananas before you get to the cash....we'll get fruit today when we look like old pros!

Our airbnb host Elena graciously bought us a bottle of Chilean wine. We reciprocated with a bottle of Maple Crown Royal so we're all happy campers. We returned back home in time to see our ship sailing out of  the harbour headed south, the trip we'll rejoin a month from now, to cruise the cape.

Today we find bus and train possibilities, and feniculars - there are a number of them in Valpo.

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