Sunday, 11 January 2015

Things that make you go "Hmmm..."

Random smiles...

》Young guy getting off local bus with a 50k bag of flour
》Skinned sheep heads, eyeballs and all, in butcher window (I know, no photos required)
》Cat hopping back and forth over a huge bag of onions in the restaurant as the owner was dragging it through to the kitchen (cat a permanent inhabitant, along with the bunny). Wish I had a video, so cute!
》Cat napping in high stack of plastic salad bowls out on display in front of 'dollar' store
》Cat in closed store window on a Sunday...curled up between the clocks and things, higher end stuff...the cat's meow
》Getting on bus with a 10,000 pesos bill ($20 CDN), driver making change while navigating the treacherous turns, pulling various denominatons of bills from both his breast and pants pockets
》The short wait for the maintenance staff of LRT and trolleys to sweep the trolley and train before you get on at first stops
》Street entertainers at traffic stops and red lights - from jugglers, flag wavers, singers to the guy on the second biggest bike I'be ever seen - and Chileans of all ages are generous to them all, even going out of their way to get some loose change to them
》Foot pedal powered candy floss machine in park, who needs electricity anyway?
》Dog buried in sand at beach, hey it was a hot day...

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