Saturday, 17 January 2015

A Builder's Dream, A Planner's Nightmare

Incredible construction projects underway all over Valpo.

In Ottawa we tend to think of infill as smaller construction projects in older neighbourhhods. Not so here, where it would appear almost anything goes, and Committee of Adjustment can't possibly be anywhere on the radar. Although, now, after having visited Santiago, I noted there may be some controls - one apartment building, with no windows on one entire side, as the setbacks did not allow them so close to the neighboring properties.

Every nook and cranny can be built upon, cliffs, slopes, waterftont, you name it, it's happening. Buildings on buildings, new buildings in heritage buildings, sidewalks which lead to nowhere, or off a cliff. UNESCO world heritage designations after the fact and in one case, preventing rebuilding.  A 'designated' home which caught fire but didn't quite burn to the ground, remains in ruins after 10 yesrs.

Decaying history.

Note the mirrored building jutting out of a heritage façade. This led to this one, and the surrounding blocks, being designated heritage and recognized by UNESCO (this one in particular was 'grandfathered'), whereas the surrounding blocks are deteriorating, occupied by squatters and no one can afford to maintain them. Be careful what you wish for...

Buckling sidewalks, gaping holes in pathways, broken stairs, no railings, remnants of steel posts left twisted in cement - in front of the Helen Keller Institute no less.

Photos don't even begin to tell the story....another day.

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